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Ganxsta N.I.P. (Ganksta NIP, Brother NIP) photo

Ganxsta N.I.P. (Ganksta NIP, Brother NIP)

Location:Houston, TX
Genre:Houston Rap, Horrorcore Rap
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Rowdy Williams, better known as Ganksta N-I-P or Ganxsta Nip, is rapper from South Park, Houston, Texas and a member of the South Park Coalition, which he joined in 1987. In 1992 he released his debut album South Park Psycho. This record also help put the South Park Coalition name on the map due to world wide distribution from Rap-a-Lot. He also wrote the Geto Boys hit "Chuckie." NIP stands for "Nation of Islam is powerful" he is also a part of The Nation of Islam.
NIP started out in a group called "The Forever Def Crew". This group consisted of NIP and Klondike Kat. Ganksta Nip is the originator of the horrorcore rap style(the psycho style). Nip and another South Park legend, "K-Rock Def" mastered the style and Nip took it to the level it is at today. Nip is also known for writing the Geto Boys hit "Chuckie".
Ganksta N-I-P's first album The South Park Psycho was released in 1992. It had no single to promote the album and it charted at #63 on the Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums. It was almost sold 100,000 copies in the area; that landed him a deal with Priority Records. His second solo album did a lot better it charted on Billboard chart at #151 and on #30 on the Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums and #5 on the Top Heatseekers. His style of rap was a hardcore gangsta rap with gory explanation which is called horrorcore.
N-I-P also made a comeback album Still Psycho which was made 5 years after his last album which was in 2003. Ganksta N-I-P's tight new album is out now called Psych' Swag: Da Horror Movie and consists of 14 songs and is released on his own Record label "Psych Ward Entertainment.

Solo Albums (16)